Tanjung Batu location ( 丹戎巴都地点 ) |
2 Days 1 Night Tanjung Batu tour (2 天 1 夜丹戎巴都认知与自然游) |
ferry terminal at Batu is in the centre of Tanjung Batu, the voyage from
Singapore takes about 2 hours from HarbourFront Ferry Terminal.
从新加坡的港湾渡轮中心出发至丹戎巴都只需大约2个钟头的时间。 Back to nature, relax and educational tour for your children, understand how the rubber tree was cut by the worker ( 丹戎巴都∶ 休闲,回到大自然和让孩子们得到认知的地方, 了解割胶方式 ) |
Singaporeans like pets, Batu's resident like Swallows. Most buildings here have an additional "bird house" on their roofs, housing thousands of swallows. The people there turned on ' bird song' by using loud speaker early in the morning and off it at night just to attract swallows to bring fortune to them - Birds nest. 新加坡人喜爱养宠物,但巴都居民却宠爱燕子。居民们尽量利用有限的空间在屋顶建燕子屋,每天早上至晚上都会利用扩音器播放'鸟曲'来吸引燕子为他们制造财富 - 燕窝。图片中燕子满天在飞舞。 |
bird nest, no middleman involved. 经过清理的燕窝,价格不经中间人。 |
Visiting a small village close to the beach (乡间小路,小村民情,椰林风光) |
at Batu are very
friendly, they don't reject you for taking photo, their life style is simple
and nature. Picture showing Ah Wang smiling face because he got his first
durian picked on the floor early in the morning - my feeling is his
beautiful smile is much more better
them 4 million smiles.
巴都的村民很友善从不拒绝拍照,他们的生活方式简单而且与大自然融为一体。图片中因阿旺在一大清早就检到一粒榴连而发自内心的美丽笑容感觉上比笑容四百万还灿烂。 |
Having a free coconut at Lubuk beach and seafood lunch at Sawang, good scenics and very windy (海边享用椰子水,吃午饭,遥望苏门答腊,风很大) |
Visit their pasar, shops and temple at busy town area close to Harbour (市场,巴刹和庙宇走一回) |
showing a departmental store selling Indonesia's made products. 图片展示一间专卖印尼制造之产品的小百货。 |
Monkey God Temple: many prayers like to organize package group to this well-known temple for praying to wish happiness, good luck and fortunes. 有许多新加坡香客喜欢组团跑到岛上这一间灵验的齐天大圣庙宇祈求平安和向大,二爷伯求真字。庙宇望海是个好风水之地。
Tour at fruit and rubber plantations, you can see how the rubber tree was cut by the worker (了解割胶及收集方式,果园,认知之旅) |
may unable to see fruits on tree due to some of the fruit trees with growing
season. *果树是否结果依季节性而定。 |
Hotel Taman Gembira : is sprawling and commercial, and quite popular with the Chinese community ( 快乐花园度假村 ∶地方宽广且商业化和普遍上华人聚集和社团办事的地方 ) |
Villa style design have 2-6 rooms in one roof, no problem to squeeze few families into it. ( 别墅式设计的房子有最少2-6间房,几个家庭都可挤进去同住在一个屋檐下) |
Enjoying out door dinner with Karaoke under moon and stars can be arranged, FOC for Karaoke. 可安排在晚餐时刻一边吃饭一边唱卡拉OK,而且是露天的方式在星空和月光下的夜晚把你那美秒的歌声献给大自然。
酒店旁供奉了灵验的拿督公而且还是女儿身 |
25.....这一天发生的事从此以后就成为巴都岛上的一桩美事也从此引来了许多虔诚或遇有难题的信徒来此膜拜和求解。 拿督的由来∶所谓"拿督",一般都指是马来人本身的原始神主,其地位大致与地主神、山神和家神等相当,随处都可以存在,跟华人所信奉的"大伯公"可说大同而小异;所以华人咸以"拿督公"称之,以表敬意。相传每一个山林地界都驻有个别的拿督公;德高望重的老人去世後,其坟墓固然可能成为拿督公的神位,此外,凡是幽深的山谷,漩涡的海面,奇形的大树,或怪状的巨石等等也一样可以成为拿督公的安居处。信徙们每遇商场失利、情场失意或是旱灾水患等不如意事时,往往求诸拿督公代为解救;相传拿督公对於这类工作是胜任愉快的。 马来人祭拜拿督公除用香花、槟榔、栳叶、烟草与鲜果之外,大半是燃烛,而烧香的习惯都很少有。至於华人供奉拿督公的仪式,大体上就多少带有佛教的形色了。例如烧香焚宝多於燃烛,搭建袖珍庙祠,挂上牌匾横彩,并在周围插上三角形的红黄黑色旗帜等等 |
Introduction of Tanjung Batu ( 丹戎巴都简介 ) |
Kundur is a small island in the Riau Islands province of Indonesia's Sumatra island. It is part of the Karimun group of islands and is located south of Karimun Island and has roughly the size of Batam. Although larger that its northern neighbour, Kundur is much less developed and more laid back. Tanjung Batu, the main town, has a busy waterfront and a couple of streets lined with shops,the town is very quiet and relaxed, The main commercial streets are Jalan Merdeka where the market is, and the shop-lined Jalan Jend Sudirman. The waterfront is also interesting with many boats loading and unloading goods. Just relax and enjoy the feeling of being in a timeless tropical port. Kundur Island is the most beautiful island in the vicinity, the roads are very pleasant, narrow and often tree covered, and if you like leisurely trips, this is ideal, with small rolling hills. Most pass through forest, fields, palm farms, small villages, very scenic. There's little mining here, which means little commercial traffic. As Kundur does not have an airport, all visitors arrive by ferry. Most connections are with neighbouring islands and the Sumatra "mainland". There is also an international boat link with Singapore. Kundur 是印尼廖内群岛中的一个岛屿和巴淡岛一样大,比较其它的岛屿如巴莱岛( 约像1960 年代的新加坡,请参阅我们的巴莱岛行程) 发展不显著。丹戎巴都是其主要市镇,这里是一个宁静和休闲的好地方,很多时候都会经过树林野地,小村庄等椰林风光处处。 比较热闹的地方是靠近码头和 Hotel Taman Gembira 这个比较多华人活动和聚集的地方。前阵子有许多新加坡香客喜欢跑到岛上酒店旁的拿督娘和一间灵验的齐天大圣庙宇祈求平安和求真字。 |
Rates for Tanjung Batu package tour ( Pricing are net and no more hidden cost will be added ) |
Valid from 01 Jan 2007 - 31 December 2007 (pricing are based on Singapore currency) |
Standard Room |
Adult (price per person) |
Child (price per person) |
Single |
Twin |
3rd |
Twin |
With Bed |
No Bed |
2 Days 1 Night |
$130.00 |
$120.00 |
$115.00(extra bed) |
$115.00 |
$115.00( extra bed) |
$109.00 |
3 Days 2 Nights |
$178.00 |
$162.00 |
$158.00(extra bed) |
$158.00 |
$158.00( extra bed) |
$148.00 |
Extension with Breakfast only |
$30.00 per room / night, $15 per extra bed / night |
More pictures ( 更多图片 ) |
榴连飘香,红彤彤的红毛丹布满园 |
早上7 点 于港湾渡轮中心2 楼 #02-28 柜台处找 Ah Jun / Ah Seng 领取登船证和公司标签。
中午于风景优美的Sawang 海滩一边享用午餐一边拍照,小村庄等椰林风光处处仿佛回到1960 年代的童年记忆。
沿途参观在新加坡看不到的燕子屋, 采集到的燕窝大多都出口到新加坡和其他国家。
参观小菜园和膜拜拿督公 - 著名而且灵验的女性拿督,是岛上村民和求财者的最爱, 时常派彩连连给有缘人。
市区观光 - 印尼制造之皮革产品,虾米,江鱼仔,海参,鱼鳔,鲍翅等特产 都可在这里做最后的冲刺。晚餐在酒店享用。
隔天乘搭5点(新加坡时间) 的渡轮回返港湾渡轮中心。
101 Upper Cross Street #B1-31 People' Park Centre, Singapore 058357
Enquiry: 96888083(Mr. Tan), Fax: +65-68971269, Email: ronald-tan@megasix.com